Regular Acidity Can Be A Constant Worry

Many people get a little bit of heartburn or acid reflux from time to time, but if you get these acidity problems quite regularly, you can find yourself constantly wondering when they’ll strike next. Read on to see how you can get on top of acidity and rediscover your joy of life.

If you often get symptoms – perhaps once or twice a week – it can feel like you have constant acidity. You might find it hard to enjoy meals without worrying about having acidity afterwards, or you may be tired from having your sleep disrupted by acidity at night.

Even though regular acidity can have a big impact on your everyday life, it’s good to know that it’s rarely a sign of anything serious and it can usually be managed effectively.1 It’s still worth seeing your doctor for a thorough check-up, though, just to be sure.

What Is ‘Regular Acidity’ And What Are
The Symptoms?

Normally, acidity problems tend to come and go – they may bother you every now and then, or for a few days, and then go away for a few weeks or even months. But some people have symptoms more regularly over a prolonged period. 

The most common symptom of an acidity problem is heartburn, which is usually described as a burning sensation in the centre of the chest.2,3 This sensation sometimes spreads to the throat, and there may also be a sour, bitter taste in the throat caused by acid reflux or regurgitation.2,3

The types and severity of the symptoms may vary from day to day and even over the course of the day. Often people will have acidity or heartburn at night, and others may mostly get it after meals.

Some people with regular acidity have pain in the stomach area below the chest. This could be a sign of a stomach ulcer, which can be serious if left untreated. If you have persistent, sharp stomach pain, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

What Causes Regular Acidity?

In many cases, people who suffer from acidity problems have a weakness in what’s called the ‘lower esophogeal sphincter’(LES).1 The LES is a ring of muscle at the entrance to the stomach that keeps the stomach contents, including stomach acid, from escaping back up the esophagus.

Usually any weakness in the LES is temporary, but people who are troubled by regular acidity may have a persistent weakness. There are also many different things that can trigger acidity symptoms:2,3

Icon Certain Foods

Certain Foods

Fatty or fried foods, spicy foods, onions and garlic, tomatoes and tomato products, citrus fruits and chocolate may trigger acidity problems or make them worse.

Icon Alcohol And Caffeinated Drinks

Alcohol And Caffeinated Drinks

Many people find that alcohol, coffee, tea and other softdrinks or energy drinks that contain caffeine trigger their acidity problems.

Icon Pregnancy


Acidity problems, particularly heartburn, are very common during pregnancy.4,5 Changes in hormone levels may weaken the muscles that help hold acid in your stomach, while the growing baby can also put pressure on the area around your stomach.4,5

Icon Obesity


There is a link between being overweight and having acidity problems, although the exact reasons for this are not clear.

Icon Some Medications

Some Medications

If you take any medicines or supplements, ask your pharamcist if they could contribute to acidity problems. In particular, some pain relievers may make acidity problems worse.  

Icon Stress And Lack Of Sleep

Stress And Lack Of Sleep

Many people find stress or a lack of sleep can trigger their acidity symptoms or make them worse.

Icon Tobacco


It’s not entirely clear why smoking contributes to acidity problems, but it  may weaken the muscles that help hold acid in your stomach, and it may also affect how well you digest your food.

How To Control Regular Acidity

After looking at the list of things that can trigger acidity symptoms, you might think life is going to be very dull if you have to avoid them all. But that’s really not the case! 

You can still enjoy many different foods and drinks – it’s just a matter of making a few adjustments to your lifestyle.1–3 Here are some things to try:

Icon Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals

Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals2

The more you eat, the more acid gets produced in your stomach. So instead of eating two or three big meals a day, try eating four or five smaller ones. 

Icon Experiment With Different Foods And Drinks

Experiment With Different Foods And Drinks1,2

If you think that a particular food or drink, such as fatty and spicy foods, alcohol, tea, coffee and other caffeinated drinks, triggers your symptoms, try avoiding it for a while and see if it makes a difference.

Icon Go Smoke Free

Go Smoke Free1,2

Smoking can interfere with the digestive process – so now there are even more reasons to kick the habit! These days, there are some great programs to help you quit, so talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Icon Maintain A Healthy Weight

Maintain A Healthy Weight1,3

Being overweight can put pressure on your stomach area, which may weaken the lower esophageal sphincter. Of course, losing weight is easier said than done. Many ‘miracle diets’ can do more harm than good, so get some advice from your doctor.

Icon Eat At Least 3 Hours Before Sleep

Eat At Least 3 Hours Before Sleep3

When you eat soon before going to bed, you’ll have a full stomach. This not only stimulates acid production, it may slow down digestion. 

Icon Raise The Head End Of Your Bed

Raise The Head End Of Your Bed1,3

Sleeping in a bed with the head raised by 10 to 15 centimeters can help stop stomach acid from rising up into your esophagus. 

Icon Sleep On Your Left Side

Sleep On Your Left Side3

People often ask which side to sleep on to reduce acidity symptoms. The answer is the left! The entrance to the stomach is towards the right side, so if you lie on that side there’s more chance acid could leak out.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise Regularly6

Exercise not only aids the digestive process, it can help you maintain a healthy weight – so hop to it!

Icon Manage Stress And Anxiety

Manage Stress And Anxiety6

It may be worth trying some relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga. Also make time for things you enjoy, and try and get plenty of sleep.

Icon Review Your Medications

Review Your Medications1

Ask your pharmacist or doctor whether any of the medications you take may contribute to acidity symptoms. If there are any, they can usually be changed to something less likely to be a problem.

Icon Reach For ENO

Reach For ENO

Where is the fun in life, if one is in constant worry if acidity might strike. Get rid of that worry, and bring Eno into your life. With Eno by your side, acidity won’t be an issue anymore. Eno gets to work on acidity in just 6 seconds*
Eno complements your body’s natural defence mechanism and works on multiple symptoms of acidity-
a. Burning sensation in chest, throat and stomach
b. Sour taste in mouth
c. Upper Abdomen Discomfort
d. Upset stomach due to acid indigestion

What Else Can Help Acidity?

Antacids, like Eno, are generally good to try before other treatments because they’re readily available from pharmacies and usually work fast.

You should see your doctor if an antacid isn’t enough to control your symptoms or if your symptoms worry you. Your doctor may prescribe other medications or do some tests.

Where To Find Out More

There’s no doubt that regular acidity can have a big impact on your everyday life. 

Hopefully we’ve been able to help you get on top of your symptoms. If you’d like to know more about how an antacid like ENO could help, take a look here.

Please remember to see your doctor if you have particularly severe or persistent symptoms.

  • References

    *Clinical study with ENO demonstrated start in increase of gastric pH within 6 seconds
    1. Dyspepsia and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: investigation and management of dyspepsia, symptoms suggestive of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, or both. Clinical Guideline, September 2014. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK).
    2. PubMed Health. Heartburn and GERD: Overview. Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, November 2015. Retrieved from
    3. Sandhu DS, Fass R. Current trends in the management of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Gut and Liver 2018; 12 (1): 7–16.
    4. Vazquez JC. Heartburn in pregnancy. Clinical Evidence 2015; 2015: 1411.
    5. Neilson JP. Interventions for heartburn in pregnancy. Cochrane Database Systematic Review 2014; 4: CD007065.
    6. Mayo Clinic. Indigestion. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research 2018. Retrieved from:
    7. Lab studies (data on file) comparing ENO Fruit Salt ENO powder to market leaders in liquid/tablet antacid category for ascertaining time to acid neutralisation.